Our Curriculum

Harmood School curriculum is designed to support every student to develop as a learner and as an individual. 

We want all our students to become confident young adults, so we have a strong focus on developing social and personal skills as well as their academic knowledge. Our aim is for each individual to become a successful, active, well-balanced, and (as an adult) employed member of their community. 

In the lower school, your child's studies will include English, Maths, Science and Humanities. Alongside these, the students have lessons in PSHE, Nurture, Vocational Studies, Art, Music, and PE – all of which can really help build their personal and social skills.

In the upper school, our young people continue to study Maths, English and Science. They also study a wide range of vocational BTEC courses to help prepare them for life beyond Harmood School - whether they choose college, an apprenticeship or the world of work.

To read more about the individual subjects, and about our curriculum intent and implementation, please follow the links on the menu at the right of this page. 

“Leaders have introduced a new curriculum and have high expectations of pupils.


The careers programme is well-planned and well-delivered.


There's a very well-considered range of enrichment activities and excellent provision for pupils’ personal development.


For some pupils, this is the first time that they have enjoyed learning and made progress.”

– Ofsted 2022


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