Careers Information and Guidance

Careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) is an essential part of our students’ learning at Harmood School.

Our careers programme is thorough, easy to understand, and tailored to each individual student. It aims to make each student 'career confident'.

  • Employability maps are produced for each student. These are designed to give them the relevant knowledge, skills and materials they need to progress successfully.
  • Lessons in Key Stage 4 focus on the practicalities of entering the world of work – including how to create a good CV, interview tips, college / job applications, and customer service skills.
  • Our careers programme offered to students is linked to a BTEC accreditation.
  • A professional Careers Advisor visits school every week to meet with students. She offers one-to-one coaching sessions, interview practice, and the latest careers information.
  • Key careers events are scheduled throughout the academic year, with visits from real world experts.

The programme is planned, monitored and evaluated by our Vocational / Career Team which consists of a Strategy and Team Lead Inclusion Coordinator and a Vocational Provision Coordinator. Our Careers teacher is Evon Antwi, and you can contact her on the link at the base of this page.

In addition to our Careers team and independent Careers Advisor, ALL Heath School staff enthusiastically contribute to the programme in their roles as tutors and subject teachers. 

At the base of this page you can read our Gatsby Benchmarks (the national scheme for assessing a world class careers education), find some helpful links to other sites, and a link to contact our Careers team for more information. You can also read our Careers Policy in the Key Information & Policies section of our website.

“Having vocational opportunities like Avalon Construction has really helped me. 


I've experienced lots of great things like taking part in fundraising dinners.”


- Year 11 student James

Contact Evon Antwi in our Careers & Vocational team for more information

Read our Careers Policy in the Key Information & Policies section

View Our Gatsby Benchmarks

Gatsby Benchmark


How CCfL Alternative Provision supports this Benchmark


Every school and college should have an embedded programme of career education and guidance that is known and understood by students, parents, teachers, governors and employers. 
  • Baker clause 
  • Career policy 
  • Identified lead with a strategic responsibility for overseeing the programme. 
  • Has systematic monitoring in place. 
  • Careers is offered with the curriculum.

See curriculum audit (on Compass platform)


Every student, and their parents, should have access to good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities. They will need the support of an informed adviser to make best use of available information. 
  • Ensures the majority of students have used up-to-date and appropriate career & labour market information to help inform career/progression paths.    
  • Encourages parents and carers to use labour market information, future study options and career or transition pathways to aid the support given to their children.
  • Achieved through connexions   meeting.
  • Achieved through external         recruitment agencies.


Students have different career guidance needs at different stages. Opportunities for advice and support need to be tailored to the needs of each student. A school’s careers programme should embed equality and diversity considerations throughout. 
  • Provides a careers programme that: 
  • Raises aspirations of all students    
  • Challenges stereotypical thinking (In terms of gender etc) 
  • Works proactively with the local authority and careers advisers to provide careers guidance to students. 


All teachers should link curriculum learning with careers. STEM subject teachers should highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of future career paths. 

  • All/the overwhelming majority of students by the time they leave school, have meaningfully experienced career learning as part of: English, Science and PSHE and Maths in progress. 
  • With our hard to reach pupils and chronic non-attenders we are developing a program which enables them to accredit in subjects. Began 2020/2021. 


Every student should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This can be through a range of enrichment activities including visiting speakers, mentoring and enterprise schemes. 
  • Have at least one meaningful encounter with an employer every year they are at your school 
  • We are currently organising bespoke day visits to employers.  
  • We are working with Rinova and have held events. 
  • We have links with the Spear employability programme and they came into the Agincourt. 
  • We have a LEAN ambassador . 


Every student should have first-hand experiences of the workplace through work visits, work shadowing and/or work experience to help their exploration of career opportunities, and expand their networks. 
  • Have had a meaningful experience of a workplace or community-based setting by the end of year 11.
  • We are currently arranging bespoke work experience for pupils. 


All students should understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. This includes both academic and vocational routes and learning in schools, colleges, universities and in the workplace. 
  • Have had meaningful encounters with sixth form colleges 
  • Have been provided with information about the full range of apprenticeships  
  • Have had meaningful encounters with further education colleges             
  • Have had meaningful encounters with independent training providers.
  • With this cohort – sixth form does not apply.  
  • Within Vocational lessons we have explored apprenticeships. 

ASK apprenticeships visited Agincourt. 


Every student should have opportunities for guidance interviews with a career adviser, who could be internal (a member of school staff) or external, provided they are trained to an appropriate level. These should be available whenever significant study or career choices are being made. They should be expected for all students but should be timed to meet their individual needs. 
  • All students have had an interview with a professional and impartial careers adviser by the end of year 11 
  • We offer a robust career service.          Offsite education pupils have individualised appointments. 

Helpful links for students and parents

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