Harmood School - Creating ripple patterns in art class

The School Day

Our school day is 9-3.30 on Monday to Thursday, and 9-2.15 on Friday. This adds up to 31 hours and 15 minutes per week.

9am – School begins.

All students come to the main reception entrance.

Each student hands in their phone at reception. It's kept safe for you all day so you can learn without any distractions. Then one of our team will take you up to your classroom.

9.00-9.25 Breakfast!

Enjoy a healthy start to the day in your classroom with your tutor group. This could be cereal, fruit or toast and jam.

9.25 to 10.10 Lesson 1

10.10 to 10.55 Lesson 2

10.55 to 11.15 Break

Time to relax. We have lots of great outdoor spaces where you can play games.

11.15 to 12.00 Lesson 3

12.00 to 12.45 Lesson 4

Each lesson starts and ends with a few minutes in your 'home base' – a chance to talk about your progress and see if you need any help with your lesson or behaviour.

Lesson are divided into 10 minute chunks, with a 'traffic light' point awarded for each chunk. This could be Green to say you're doing great, Amber to say you're in the middle, or Red to say you're struggling a bit. The colours help you understand what you did well, and what you need to work on. (If you find the lesson is hard, there's lots of ways we can help you.)

If you get lots of Green points for good behaviour, then for the last 10 minutes of the lesson you can choose what you'd like to do. And at the end of the week, we have an assembly where we look at all the points – with special rewards for good behaviour!

12.45 to 1.45 Lunch

Our kitchen team serve up a delicious choice of hot or cold food to eat in our Lunch Room, then there's time to play and relax with your friends before our afternoon lessons.




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